Live without regrets...

Words once said cannot be taken back.. So is the case of life once lived This is a true story . May be not of one person alone. It has been assimilated from the lives of different men I know. Let this not happen to you. And now I sit here on this stony rail, Feeding the pigeons off my hand. I don't know which way i took off in life. I wanted everything, money,fame... Though I wasn't famous with the like of Mahatma Gandhi, I did become popular amongst my friends. Got married , got on with life. Had children to whom i could never say I loved them. Worked very hard. At times I would say to them , I had sacrificed a lot for them. BUT WHAT?? The greatest of sacrifices could have been my time. I could not or rather did not spend any time with them.. I was in a rat race. Did I love my wife?? How could I have loved her when the money and fame I boast about got me a mistress. When I look back, I was not able to give her a moment of peace or love. Now I realize how she felt, ...