Vantage Point
'I'm sorry', he mumbled, brushing past one of the few pedestrians on the cobbled sidewalk. His each step was calculated and with precision at the exact time he was supposed to make it. Today was not as usual. He had to make it big. His target today was not the usual low life double agents. But someone big, bigger than he could imagine when assigned the task. It was the chance to prove himself and be there amongst the best; the top league. A difficult assignment on it own and that too in broad daylight. But, no worries here. He had everything planned out, perfect, no errors. He was confident. He rounded a corner. Just a couple of blocks and he would be there at the Town Hall. The Ambassadors big speech and one move of the finger to finish it all; and he would escape unscathed. Cage smiled to himself. He walked briskly, yet steadily. He was after all a seasoned assassin. WhiteSnake kept low, stepping into alleyways and occasionally pausing to stare at the s...