Vantage Point

'I'm sorry', he mumbled, brushing past one of the few pedestrians on the cobbled sidewalk. His each step was calculated and with precision at the exact time he was supposed to make it. Today was not as usual. He had to make it big. His target today was not the usual low life double agents. But someone big, bigger than he could imagine when assigned the task. It was the chance to prove himself and be there amongst the best; the top league. A difficult assignment on it own and that too in broad daylight. But, no worries here. He had everything planned out, perfect, no errors. He was confident.

He rounded a corner. Just a couple of blocks and he would be there at the Town Hall. The Ambassadors big speech and one move of the finger to finish it all; and he would escape unscathed. Cage smiled to himself. He walked briskly, yet steadily. He was after all a seasoned assassin.

WhiteSnake kept low, stepping into alleyways and occasionally pausing to stare at the shop windows. She had Cage in view. She couldn't lose him. She had to take him out quietly without arousing suspicion. She knew Cage and his methods. That was why they had picked her. She had tried to talk her way out of this but they had ways to persuade her. She carried a bag with her. Something heavy. It was difficult to follow Cage without getting noticed. Owing to the few people on the streets and the keen eyes of Cage.

By the time he reached the Town Hall, people had crowded the entrance. He was not worried as he knew another way in. The Ambassador had not yet arrived. He waited outside. He looked around casually. He froze. Something or rather someone had caught his eye. A familiar face some distance back on the opposite side of the street.

WhiteSnake knew she had been spotted. She needed to act before Cage realized he was targeted. She got into an alleyway and up the stairs of an unusually distorted building. She reached the top. This would do. She had the perfect Vantage Point. She opened her bag and drew out the Sniper and adjusted the view. She had Cage right where she wanted; at the center of the crosshair.

Although he had seen the face only for a moment he was dead sure. He knew the face. A second look around didn't give any leads. She was gone by then. He wasn't sure his mission had been compromised. May be it was just a coincidence. But he thought against that. The two of them at the same place at the same time, wouldn't be a coincidence. That was how they had worked, away from each other. Cage began to contemplate his next move. He was the hunted now and in perfect view of the hunter. He had to act fast and think faster. He moved on from the town hall and started walking. He glanced back for any sign of her. None.

Suddenly he felt numb. He couldn't take a step more before he fell on the pavement with a THUD.

WhiteSnake had taken her aim. She was about to shoot when she saw Cage falling. Even before the thought reached her brain, she felt a strong kick from behind. She fell down the building and onto the pavement.

Kannan watched as the whole world crumbled before his eyes. It was not a battle any more. The war had begun. 'SHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAMMM , I am going to kill you.....' , Kannan got up and ran after his brother. The G.I. Joe figures and Lego blocks scattered every where.

Cage lay there, his mission failed. It will take weeks of planning before he can complete the assignment.

--Rahul AKA Frozenmist [;)]

--With special Thanks to Tony for the review :)


  1. This proves without any doubt that you are jobless...

  2. @ srivatsa: you got the twist you wanted right??
    he he ;)

  3. Feeling bad for Cage :)

    Good one !!

  4. good one again!
    you thought of entering writing competitions?

  5. hmmmm...people seems to be attached to the idea of it????

  6. @Indu : Ya poor Guy, Cage.. But he can come back...

    @Stygian Sailor : Hey thanks!! ME and competitions.. he he nIce joke.. I couldn't even write compositions properly back at school..

    @Eli : Di athoru dream alla... Kanna was playing with GI Joe Figures and Lego Blocks.. Like all of us did when we were kids...
    U didnt get it???

  7. I second Elizabeth's comment! :)
    Everything went well till i saw the name Kanna there! :)

  8. Haha! Great one again. Loved it :)

  9. GI Joe is for Cage and I guess Kannan was using Barbie for Whitesnake.. lolz..

    Good one dude. Nice twist in the end. When I read that part where Whitesnake gets kicked out of the window, I thought There was a third Agent who was paid to kill the other two assasins.. Too many Robert Ludlum novels you see :)

    Keep writing such good proses man...

  10. @Tony : Sorry i couldnt live upto you expectations.. I will try better next time..
    But believe me i had a really good time writing this. I could picture my sister playing and me screwing everything up...

    @sandeep: thanks maga.

    @Chandan: Thats the effect i wanted.. Glad that you liked it..

  11. Dude... u spoilt the story by making it a GiJoe game... :) u cud have given a proper ending to it... try writing it again and say something like the rela story of cage and whitesnake..!! :P

  12. great story mate :)

    keep writing

  13. Good one. The whole thing was set up so nicely that the reader got the jolt kannan had!!!
    Ini ithu aavarthikkaruthu... :)

  14. @Manja: next time man... :)
    BUt i liked the story myself..hehe

    @ Anoop: thanks man

    @Anon : Shari maanya

  15. bwuahhhh..
    haaa haaaaa. wat suspense...
    cage n whitesnake. on ebehind the other,..
    until kannan came n got me in rage n hissing like whitesnake!

  16. With this and the previous one you have proved you can write great stories... Keep it up!

    Liked the names somehow.. Whitesnake and Cage!

    Introductions for Cage and Whitesnake are good.. Very fine Writing!

  17. Great post man! You write very well! And, thanks for the comment on my blog!

  18. @jane: thanks for visting and posting the comment.

    @Priya:thank you madam.. come again..

    @sreejith: glad that you liked it! thanks man..

  19. Well written dude! Gripping climax! ;)

  20. hmm i thought it was ludlum n u jst gav it a o'henry twist...
    thts rahul..i really lykd it
    n gng bac 2 days
    n those fights wit me bro n barbie...umm


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