Fraud The People, Buy The People and Off With the People

"... Let the seas divide and devour me, if corruption ever raises its hood in my constituency. I will not make any false promises here. I say only what I can do and I will do whatever I have said. On this - to you,to each and everyone of you.. who stand here tired of conspiracies,and scandals and corruption and who are ill fated to be at the receiving end.. - i give my word. Remember that i was one of you , I know the pains. Most of you know how my family has suffered. It is that and the plight of my fellow beings in this constituency that made me step forward. Let us join hands and fight together. Lets say together - In this free country, we want our real freedom'.
"We want our freedom.. we want our freedom", the crowd chanted with increasing amplitude.The chants were followed by a rounds of applause and slogans. The speaker stepped down of the podium and made his way to the seat. The applause failed to die down. He stood up and waved. Cacophony. Slogans and applause. It died down after a span of 20 minutes. A large part of the crowd didn't stay there though.
They split in four different ways shouting slogans.It was rather evident Premadasan was gaining support all around.
He was never a politician. But he was a passionate social worker. You could see the plaque
M.A. L.L.B. at the gates to his house.
On weekdays he would spend his time studying cases and helping poor people get a proper advocate.He would spend his time on weekend to help out the cottage industry workers issues. He would also visit the orphanage run by the church every fortnight. His help was sought by all. He was one person anyone could approach for help.

Everything turned for the worse when he was settling an issue for cottage industry workers. He and the workers union chairman had a rough argument. Everybody remembered Premadasan coming out shouting that all are corrupt and that no one worked for the people anymore. He was hit by a series of unfortunate events after that. His son was refused a Job at a factory on the grounds that the union did not support it. At another place he got the job but they asked for a huge security amount. Premadasan couldn't accommodate so much money. He cursed his meager background. He was determined to do something about what had happened. He wanted to change everything.

He was 50, so that made it him eligible for politics in Kerala and for standing as a candidate. He eyed the next elections. He had worked tirelessly from that moment on. Gaining the trust of all people and ended up having a huge fan following which would embarrass Mammooty. (Of course no where near Mohanlal's Fan following).

Then the moment came. It was a bi election just after the CPA 's(the ruling party) reputation was hampered by a sting operation. You know the kind all the TV channels do nowadays. And the icing on the cake was that the 95 year old M.L.A. who had adorned the seat from his constituency died.
Here was the chance. All the odds were for him. If even if he misfired,he would still hit a plane down. There was no chance of him missing it.

Sitting on the stage made him feel special. He beamed. The valedictory speech was drowned by the noise of the crowd. He was happy everything was falling in place. All his hard work had paid off. In one week it was the election. Only the finishing touches of the campaign remained. He had been bold enough not to take a party ticket and to stand as an independent. He sat there intoxicated by the sound of the crowd.

It was like a festival, the day he won. People had carried him on their shoulders from his house after the results were announced. He had won by a small margin. But he had won. He was sworn in as a member of the assembly. He got his small office.

The sting operation had its effect. And the ruling party losing one more seat, brought about a strong no confidence vote.
He was working on a request for construction of a new bridge in his constituency when they came in. He stood up , greeted them and asked them to take a seat.
"We know you are against their party. And you have every reason to be. It was because of them only that your son didn't get a job." The opposition leader said. "It would be in your and our best interest if you stood with us in this vote. We would even give you a Minister's Seat."

"You don't have to offer me a seat sir. I will do whatever is in the best interest of the people.
I wouldn't want to be guilty."

"So, I can be sure that you will be with us?"

Premadasan smiled. They shook hands and parted.

The phone rang after 5 minutes.
" Yes CM ji, they have left."
" Hahaha.."
"So I hope my Son will be in position before the vote. And that minister's seat you were talking about. Have you decided on it. As i told I want the Forest Ministry under me.... Everything comes at a price CM ji, at - a - price...."


  1. Politics eh? Good one. I knew there would be a catch when I read his speech in the beginning. Had to wait till the end to get that catch :)

  2. nice one.. I was sure of the ending though..

  3. well written, but a tad bit predictable.
    if you are interested and you have the time, read these books:
    1. 'on writing' by stephen king
    2.'elements of style'
    they will really help in fine tuning the way you write.

  4. @chandan: i didnt think of it till today noon.. you know the work pressure at office.. so i was writing away this to ease it.. i thought everyone would get the ending from the title itself... i didnt mean it to be a suspense... just an ordinary story that happens around here... thanks man

    @jobsy thanks.... i knew u would know the ending...

    @stygian sailor: its not a suspense thing... i just wanted a story.. it was simple enough and an usual thing.. nothing special abt it.. i will go through those... thanks for the constructive criticism

  5. I dont blame him though but rather the system and he did the only logical thing to work his way up;-)...

  6. Hmm... an expected ending but as u have said.... its not an unusual story... ;)
    Its an usual one... good one to read esp. after lunch... :)

  7. The same old story .. Was great to read though !! :)

  8. :)

    Read the comments here! Well, i dont have anything new to add!

    it took me some time to start reading this! was quite busy last 2 weeks! :)

    wanted to add just one more thing here - Rajini Kanth has more fans than Kamal Hassan! i dont know if that will make him a better actor! :)

  9. Its kinda expected.. But I thot in some other way..
    Anywayz.. Good one..


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