He wanted a Star...

There was once a boy who dreamt of the day when he could carry a star enclosed in his palms. He would stare out of the window on a starry night, watch with admiration those beautiful twinkling dots and pray to god.

' Oh God! you have so many of them cute little lights with you, why don't you give one to me. I always give my lil sis whatever i have.'
His Dad would come to him smile and say , ' you work hard my boy, study hard and God will give you not one light but many in your palms.'

Twenty years have passed since such a night and Hari is a man who literally plucks money off trees. He has the stars in his palms and around him. But like his Dad said it was not God who gave it to him, but a friend. His friend had given him - the magic powder which made all worries go away and which made him swim among the stars and caress them in his palm as much as he liked.

Another 10 years and fate sees Hari, laid down , two cotton balls in his nose, legs lied together. And with a wife and two children shedding tears by his side. So much for his starry dreams.

Say No to Drugs. They Kill not only you but also your family.

If you haven't seen the movie Requiem For A Dream , I suggest you see it now. And i bet you won't even think about drugs in your next 100 lives.


  1. Good imagination... Good Creativity... Will watch the movie.. Could have been longer though... The stars-drugs relation could have been more detailed.. u write well so it would have kept the reader guessing for an even longer time. nevertheless a very good read.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good read.. But as Priya pointed out, could have been a little longer [that's because we want to read you more :)]. And yes, I have watched the movie and it's horribly sad. And as for your message in the end.. 'Ahmen!'

  4. You feel so strongly about them that you din bother much about the intro ? Yes, its a sad case. Nice thought!!

  5. I like what you are doing with this template. Simple but elegant and looks real neat :)

  6. @priya: thanks a lot.. it happend that such an idea just struck me and i didnt want to loose it so i blogged it. I wanted it to be short so that there is sharp message given out.

    @Maverrick: i see there are two 'r's in ur name now.

    @Indu : thanks a lot.

    @Maverrick: I am tired of the old super complex , clogged up templates .. :)

  7. well, it was pretty okie blog, but definitely not one of your bests!!

  8. u tricked me wit stars n yet ur message is passed...
    no drugs...live clean n happy..


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