
Showing posts from January, 2009

The 30 Questions (Tag)

[Photo Coutesy : jamuraa] I got this tag this Maverrick who got it from Sailor who got it from Sneha. [I hope the tag is not an Evil plan by some Evil Warlord to get information about me so that he can overpower me and take over the world]. Here goes.. 1)What is your occupation? I am a central goverment employee*. *Conditions Apply ( Psst. I heard there is no value in the marriage market for Software engineers . We are a depreciating asset now.) 2)What colour are your socks now? Never ask a bachelor about his socks >:- 3)What are you listening to now? I'm hearing Bhumika's voice on the phone persuading me to go to innovative film city this weekend. 4)What was the last thing you ate? Lemme see: Wheat flour, (UN)cooked on a flat or slightly concave iron griddle and Dark yellow colour potato, tomato and onion paste sprinkled with garlic seasoning.. For those illiterate guys, lets say : Roti and aloo curry from the cafeteria. 5)Can you dri...

From Olympics To Obama.

[Photo by : aloshbennett ] T he year 2008 was a year for news about Olympics ,Mumbai and Obama. In Olympics it was of course a great year for India. And there was a good reason for the papers to celebrate the crowning of the three young men at the Beijing Olympics. But Beijing was also a photographers paradise. The most hyped and most ceremonious Olympic meet yet, there were enough photos available to the papers to fill all their pages. But with in a months time Olympics lost its charm in the papers, even though Bindraji gets a mention here and there and in TV Ads. Teacher: Who won the bronze In Olympic wrestling for India? Appu : mmmm... i know... iknow.. i know... The Great Khali Now that Olympics is over and none of the athletes are making news, the best knowledge people would have of wrestling would be of unusually tall men with loads of meat on their body shaped like bricks. Then came the Mumbai tragedy. Which was a jolt to India, Indian politics, Media, and the security force...

A Final Good-Bye

The rain had passed. The air was filled with sweet music. The music of water drops falling into puddles. It was on such a day 4 years back that I had lost Sophie. If only she was here with me. My heart began filling with heaviness. My eyes blurred. The heaviness was a sleep inducer. I would soon become tired and fall asleep. My ears received the sounds of outside as though it was a healer. It was like nature was sympathizing with me. I felt a palm on my hands. A gentle voice called me. 'Appacha..'. I could be dreaming. I opened my eyes and saw my son looking at me with gentle eyes. The tears came back. Tears, a companion all along the way, in your sorrows and joys. 'My Son, I thought you wouldn't come this year. I didn't see any letters, i thought...' 'Appacha, how can I forget. You know how hard it is for me to leave you alone here'. I was so happy, the heaviness i felt before was gone. 'Where are the kids?', i asked 'They are not coming.....

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to all of you guys out there. I know its way too "early" to wish you a happy new year but i was a bit indisposed to write blog posts. I hope all of you are holding on tight to your resolutions. As for my resolutions I am thinking of Bidding them a final Good bye. But I have followed them till today. Its pretty hard having a list of resolutions. A list whose beginning you forget by the time you reach the end. As for blogging in the new year. I hope to continue blogging. And as recession sets in i think may be I have a chance to be a full time blogger. :) All the best to you. May God Bless you. Click To Subscribe Rate This Post