The 30 Questions (Tag)
[Photo Coutesy : jamuraa] I got this tag this Maverrick who got it from Sailor who got it from Sneha. [I hope the tag is not an Evil plan by some Evil Warlord to get information about me so that he can overpower me and take over the world]. Here goes.. 1)What is your occupation? I am a central goverment employee*. *Conditions Apply ( Psst. I heard there is no value in the marriage market for Software engineers . We are a depreciating asset now.) 2)What colour are your socks now? Never ask a bachelor about his socks >:- 3)What are you listening to now? I'm hearing Bhumika's voice on the phone persuading me to go to innovative film city this weekend. 4)What was the last thing you ate? Lemme see: Wheat flour, (UN)cooked on a flat or slightly concave iron griddle and Dark yellow colour potato, tomato and onion paste sprinkled with garlic seasoning.. For those illiterate guys, lets say : Roti and aloo curry from the cafeteria. 5)Can you dri...