From Olympics To Obama.

The year 2008 was a year for news about Olympics ,Mumbai and Obama. In Olympics it was of course a great year for India. And there was a good reason for the papers to celebrate the crowning of the three young men at the Beijing Olympics. But Beijing was also a photographers paradise. The most hyped and most ceremonious Olympic meet yet, there were enough photos available to the papers to fill all their pages.
But with in a months time Olympics lost its charm in the papers, even though Bindraji gets a mention here and there and in TV Ads.

Teacher: Who won the bronze In Olympic wrestling for India?
Appu : mmmm... i know... iknow.. i know... The Great Khali

Now that Olympics is over and none of the athletes are making news, the best knowledge people would have of wrestling would be of unusually tall men with loads of meat on their body shaped like bricks.

Then came the Mumbai tragedy. Which was a jolt to India, Indian politics, Media, and the security forces. Many heroes were made and many innocents slain. Two months have passed and still nothing is happening. Pakistan is still playing Tom,Dick and Harry. Lets hope everything goes well and we get the bastards!!

2008 was also the time for Obama to do his thing. Every little kid on the block was chanting Obama mantras. The papers had nothing but how Obama dressed ,how Obama ate and how Obama bathed!!! Michelle Obama also got a couple of headlines when the papers didn't know what else to write about Obama.

Teacher : Who is the President Of India?
Appu : Oh Boy! Oh Boy! I know this too .. Obama!!
[Teacher Frowns]
Appu : Oh!! He is then the president of the world, is he?

Indians who had never seen an oath taking of the Prime Minister Of India or the President would have been swarming in front of the T.V. to see the latest news sensation, Barack Obama. Three days of non stop entertainment and celebration by the TV channels ; OBAMA LIVE!!!!.
Our PM's and Prez's should also think of having those IPL girls around during their swearing in. I mean, it makes things more colourful and of course interesting.

Obama even had a comic book released. He is reeling in supporters by such publicity. Why can't Manmohan Singh get a comic? If Obama was a side kick to spider man our PM sould be the hero.

Jokes apart. Let us pray for Mr. Manmohan Singh's speedy recovery.

I can't predict for how long the papers will continue the Obama saga. They are writing everything that falls from his mouth, even the sneezes(I am sure that at least TOI publishes that). Till then lets wait for his swimsuit calender to come out. If all this can happen then why not a calender.

Hoping that the media in 2009 get reasons to share only good stuff. No terrorists, No hurricanes,No wars and India Rising!!!

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  1. Your post definitely made me laugh!! M sure all the readers will laugh for sure. Keep writing...


  2. Good one... You could mention something about the fact that many of us didn know what happened to ManMohan... :)

  3. lol obama as a side kick of Manmohan! and Gilani as the villan!!

    nice blog dood!! it made me laugh at the same time made me sad that none of the media people have India in their mind. They just want money!! :(

  4. @Pradeep: Thanks man. :) Glad that you found time to read the blog. :P

    @Samy: Da, read indian news also.. :))

    @Bharath: Good newapapers are part of fiction now, man. But still i think all the things these channels do to increse their viewer base may have an effect important matters. Like the Mumbai thing. It is still being covered daily in major slots. That will create urgency to do things.

  5. media is more concentrated in convering sensational news... I am not sure how many of us are watching DD News?

  6. nice post, still laughing, like your appu, want to say
    pappu pass ho gaya a last dialouge teacher says to appu ,lol


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