Wish Upon A Falling Star

I wish i could see her every night,
Every day in every sight.
So stare, and stare would I,
Eyes fixed on a cloudless sky.

I wish that she would dance,
She would fly in a graceful stance.
A silky gown she would wear,
And give the sky a shiny scar to bear.

I wish i could hold her hands,
Hold her close and hold her tight,
Embrace her into a lovely waltz,
Which would even the heavens exalt.

I wish I could survive,
Could dream and could stay alive,
In hope of the day I would unite
With my ever eluding woman of light.

I am sure most of you haven't any clue as to what i am rhyming about.
The story goes like this. I have never seen a falling star in my life (so uncool, i KNOW!!). This attempt at a poem is for the lady of my life whoever she might be and wherever she might be, because I haven't seen her either. So I thought it might be appropriate to compare her with a falling star, neither of whom have met in my life. And I wish upon a falling star (some star ought to be falling at some place!! :) ) that I the day I see a falling star, its a sign that I meet my lady as well. So, please do pray that I do see a falling star. I am in no hurry, so you can take your time to include it in the list of things that you will be asking God.

[see this awesome pic by Sandeep.]

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. its beautiful....great man...great stuff...well, neither did i see a falling star but i made somebody my star rather....keep walking!!!

  3. Cool man...you are back with your poems - which means you are at your best!!

    and I wish you find the lady of your life first before you see a falling star...;)

  4. That was awesome!! Wish you see the falling star soon and spread all the light and joy :)

  5. @Voice Od Silence: Thanks man... Great you found one, congrats ... :D ...

    @Srivatsa : Thanks man and more thanks for your wishes....

    @Seema: Thanks a lot madam... :)

  6. Lovely Poem..

    You should always write such cheerful POSTS.

    Btw, you could have also described your dream LADY LOVE.. :P

  7. lovely poem da! :)

    good that u posted the meaning too! for people like me (Read - illiterate in poetry), it helps a lot! :)

    n wishing u all the best with meteors and to meet your life's starry attraction! :)

  8. wish that u see a fallin star soon and u catch it properly..!!! :P

  9. @Bhumika: Thanks.. :).. I will try madam.. :)
    I dnt know how she looks like, then how can I describe.. :P

    @Tony : Thanks a lot :) .. both for the comment and the wishes.. :)

    @Manja : I will catch it properly man... I cant let it fall .. ;)

  10. Lovely thought presented in intriguing way........Your explanation helped me appreciate the poem a lot, thanks....Keep penning poems more often ... you are good at it.



  12. Scintillating.!
    What a lovely dedication.

    Wishes and prayers for the two of you:)

  13. @dreamer: thank you.

    @Anon : I know who u r.. :)

    @Mohita: Thanks a lot..

  14. heyy rahul! wishing upon a falling star for your soulmate eh? super romantic! :D

    "A silky gown she would wear,
    And give the sky a shiny scar to bear."
    i loved that part!

    umm and that picture by sandeep! brought back memories...
    believe it or no, when i was in class 4, me and my 3 best friends used to draw something similar and call it "dream colony"! we had all our houses together.. and a pool.. and gardens and stuff! haha...

    great post..

  15. Hey!This is a stranger...:)..however,found your poem Sweet & the explanation sweeter ! :)Wish you catch your fallin' star soon..Gudluck!!:)

    "Fate is kind.
    She brings to those who love
    The sweet fulfillment of
    Their secret yearnings.

    Like a bolt out of the blue,
    Fate steps in to see you through.
    When you wish upon a star
    Your dreams come true."

    ---- Sneha :)

  16. @clueless: thank you.. well for once I thought i would be romantic :)

    @Sneha: Thanks a lot for your wishes!!! and for the good verses as well

  17. Hai rahul...awesome poem...hope u will find ur falling star soon..all the best...


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