Dreams Sold Here

Brown suit,
Hefty voice,
Subduing charm.
'Dreams Sold Here!,
Pick one if you may', he told.

It is an unfinished post. I couldn't finish it. Anyway Somethings better than nothing. Its been some time, I know. I was getting adjusted to one of those dreams that I bought. Life in a different city is exciting with lots of places to see, different people, different climate, different culture. But  when you weigh all these differences ,there is  always the one which makes the weighing machine go beserk. I think you got it right.
Sheesh.. Why don't dreams come free!!

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  1. I loved this post, I think unfinished things are far more beautiful than the finished one :)

  2. hope u picked ur dream !!
    quite interesting and thoughtful eventhough unfinsihed

  3. i wanna buy a dream too if it culd be bought


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