A Fatal Sin

The heart stops at moments like these. Words fail to form.

It was a magical moment , when the only thing he had waited for so long came upon him. He knew, she was the one for him. She would decide his fate and she would be with him till death. He had a fear of what was about to happen but also a relief knowing what would become of him after. They had but one thing in common. Both of them had a destination to reach and both were running out of time.

He watched as she came closer clad in blue and white. She approached quickly yet gracefully. He could feel the rhythm of her steps. He could hear her singing from the distance.A lullaby which would put him to sleep. He lie there; waiting in anticipation; butterflies in his stomach.
The time had come. He closed his eyes and let her take him.

They say, at moments like these your entire past flashes before you. May be it did for him. Did he feel remorse? We will never know.

As for her, she had none. She had seen many a person before her wanting her to take their lives. Something which was not in her control. She still had to reach her destination and she was running out of time. She kept on moving on the iron rails, past hills, lakes, plains and rivers , puffing and tooting....


  1. Ippo dufaai ottakathe karakkal nirthi njan blog vayana thudangi. kurachu ezhuthum.. aadyam vayichu onnum pidikittaathond enik veendum vayikkendi vannutto.. :-

  2. enikkonnum manasilaayillede... :(

  3. Are you personifying death as a lady.. If so why did she leave him without killing him... and why did he want to die.... this is how i understood...!! did u mean to convey something else...!!! :)

  4. @penkodi: aaa ezhuthiyathellam post cheytholloo .. njan kuthi irunnu vaayicholam...
    pinne , ninackke sathyamaayittum ithu manasilaayo?

    @Georgy : aliya sathyamaayittum onnum manasilaayille? aaa potte vere aaarkkenkilum manasilaavunundo ennu nockkatte...

    @Manja: Sorry man, its absolutely not what i meant.. hmm.. seems it was quite tough to understand. But I thought the last line was enough to explain everything.
    Lemme see if someone else understands it.

  5. Ohh i think i just overlooked the last line when i read it first...!! :(
    Its a train macha...!! Hmmm... but temme hw do u know train is a female..!! hehee :) Good one man... If it were not for the last line i would have to read again to understand it.. :P

  6. yeah.. got it only after i read ur reply to manja..

    @Rahule: Good one, though I din't understand whom you are referring to when you say "He lie there; waiting in anticipation; butterflies in his stomach". A Suicide? Who?

    @manja: of course train is female. The fact that it carries so many passengers in its belly is proof enough ;D

  7. actually paranjaal njan 2-3 thavana vaayichu. avasaanam vayanakkariyute manodharmam pole njan ath theevandiyaanennu manassilaakki.. But that actually made me confuse and think a lot...

  8. That was good( think I start all my comments this way ;) ). You managed to keep the suspense alive till the last line and it all makes perfect sense too..

  9. @manja: literally speaking all vehicles are females..;)

    @maverrick: thanks man. The guys just a guy who wants to suicide. One of many who lie wainting for a train
    The Fatal Sin refers to Suicide. Taking ones God given life is a sin and it is fatal too. :)

    @Indu: thanks for the encouragement again.. :)

  10. it took some time to realize the beauty of the story. I was blind when I read it first. When I opend my eyes it was nice, might be the story of one of my senior who left us .

  11. cool stuff dude...but as far as i know, a train is a "He"...probably, ships and airplanes are "she"s...

    imagine the reversal of roles of Hes and Shes in your article...;)...He coming to take her life...i somewhat feel that would sound better..

  12. @Malakhan AKA BLUMBAN: Thanks... Such stories will continue to happen in real life.. till people find some common sense...

    @Srivatsa: Thanks man.. I read it with he and she interchnaged :).. But i cant say he approached gracefully... a man is seldom graceful... :)

  13. ayyo sorry da last line athra shradhichilla... :) (nee oru ohenry aavumennu vichaarichilla) kidilam one again... :)


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