Tigers Vs. Eagles

[Post removed because I felt bad ]
[Sorry Visitors]

A totally sad condition. I hope everything gets over soon enough.

This crude drawing here marks the start of the great cartoonist in Rahul. Don't blame my drawing now. You can't even imagine how i managed to draw this. Now I understand why I shouldn't have bunked arts classes in school.

Just wanted to try out how a cartoon would come out... Am I pleased wid myself!!!! :)

Status: Tired after a long weekend. Cant get sleep so i thought i will blog.


  1. Good luck, Poet-turned-Cartoonist!

  2. rahule there will be a third pic of a guy hanging who saw ur cartoons..!! hehehee just kidding.... good start man..!! :)

  3. dude why did u remove ur cartoons.... they were ok man... u shud continue ur new found skill.... anyways finally its u who decide.... :)

  4. @jaga: thanx man. i will try brtter in my nect cartoon.. i will be back
    @Manja: it was a sadistic one man... i will come up with a new one soon
    @maverick: sorry maga, removed it

  5. dude i like saddistic cartoons please upload that again :)

  6. @ bharath :sorry man, i will upload a new sadistic one for you.

    @ Penkodi : Dufaiyil enthu vishesham?otttakangale karakkukayaano?
    Penkodi ivide vannittu njan aaa vidaghthamaaya caroon kaanichu tharaam


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