
Never a tinge of colour in life,
Forever etched in black and white.
Ever obeying the master's bid,
To follow him till death decides.

Caged in cold and stony walls,
But still an ally through love and war.
Not a sound, not a word,
Not a drop of tear to shed.

Dark, a fiend;
Light, a friend;
A man at dawn,
A child at noon,
And again a man,
At sundown.

What is there in such a life,
To be the slave of another man?
I do wonder so,
About the life of my Shadow.

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  1. Dark, a fiend;
    Light, a friend;
    A man at dawn,
    A child at noon,
    And again a man,
    At sundown.

    Loved this paragh.. Describes the three phases of one's shadow on any given day. And the metaphorical reference to man and child is just too good..

    But I did not understand why you say 'black and white'. Where's the white?

  2. i liked the thought process.. but not all the paragraphs.. third one is great.. otherwise its fine..

    the idea is common but the third paragraph makes it a very great read...

    keep it up..

    fyi.. the feed image in the cup is good.. very nice and imaginative.

  3. Hmm....
    Wakes with you and follows you
    Doesnt abandon you in dismal times as others do...
    Cries with you, laughs with you...
    The only best friend which is always for you and only you....
    Dear shadow...!!!

  4. @maverrik: thnaks man.. black and white just meant colourless.. in monochrome..

    @thank you sailor..

    @Priya: thanks..
    btw the cup is some image i got off the internet so credit gooes to whoever made it.. :)

    @Manja : So true.. there is a saying , who needs a friend who walks with you all the while but is f no good.. for that i have my shadow

  5. Amazing lines there! Very well written with a very clear thought!

    I was stumped in the end! Superb



  6. @Bharath : Thanks a lot man.

    @Rakesh: Thanks for the visit. Thanks a lot.

  7. hey man, when did you write this? you didn't send the link at all??

    btw, awesome usual, your poem has that suspense till the end...i didn't even know you were talking about a shadow till i read the last line...

    read the poem once again and you have given a perfect description everywhere...

  8. Beautifully written. I read through your other poems on the indiblogger nomination. Loved the 'sound of rain' piece. It was after a long time that I read something so lucid. You have a way with words and thoughts. Keep up the good work.


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